
This is my leisure blog.

Some may argue that working out is not leisure and that word work in it makes that argument true but it’s something that I do in my spare time hence the characterization of it as leisure.

I am currently aiming at losing 13 kilos and maintaining. I will hopefully update this page someday after a successful outcome.

I will also add reading and occasionally writing in this blog because I read a lot and I would like to share and interact with other readers. I will not claim to be a big reader of great works of literature, in fact I mostly stay away from most popular books as I have found that popularity doesn’t amount to quality. I read plenty of romance, some fiction and the occasional crime book.

Like millions or probably billions of other readers I like to think of myself as a writer and I am working on getting published.

whatever the reason you wondered to my side of the world, welcome, have a sit and let’s enjoy this life to it’s fullest together.

Thank You.





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